Lazy, lazy me. I have been far more interested in reading than card making.
Here is a card that was once another card. (March 7, 2011 Quilt card) I had taken the quilt part off and put it on another card but the yellow background was still on the blue background. The incire paper cut (Penny Duncan cut files) had been laying on the p.o.t.d. (pile on the desk) and I decided to put it on the blue cardstock. The yellow frame didn't do anything for it so I pulled it off and put the incire on. Then I used 2 mauve butterflies but didn't like them so made 2 blue ones. Butterflies are part of an svg cut card by Cely at Creating in Carolina. Now I needed something to put in the center and my eye fell on my box of wedding card embellishments. There were some cute little white flowers so I grabbed the watercolor paints and dabbed a bit of blue on them and attached them to the card. Some stickles on the butterflies and the ends of the incire made my bling. Liking it a whole lot better than the original. The tea lite holder was one that I got off card making free download site.
My holder was one I made years ago and it is meant to hold a cook book but it sits in front of my homemade light box that I use for taking pictures of my cards and I have been trying to use it for my cards.
Have a Blessed day.
I'd say that was a great recycle job!
I'm really liking the recycle job too!
It's beautiful!
I have some of those patterns to cut out, and I do play once in a while, but I never get them straight!
OK, you know me.....it's probably just ME!
wow !!!!!!!!!pretty .
Myrna .i think blue is your favorite colour .very nice .lovely idea
Sounds like your card had quite a trip before it decided to settle down!! I like your perseverence!
Glory be....from rags to riches for these cards...yes, your card had quite the trip. Isn't it grand to save something and turn into something so pretty and which is going to make someone happy...ahhhh...the butterflies.
I'm glad you took a really good picture, because I loved studying all the little details! The blue is gorgeous!
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